실시간 뉴스
  • LG Energy Solution hires Nvidia data scientist
LG Energy Solution’s new Chief Digital Officer Pyung Kyung-suk
LG Energy Solution said Monday it has appointed Pyun Kyung-suk, a data scientist from Nvidia, as the new chief digital officer to lead the digital transformation of the South Korean battery giant.

Before joining LG Energy Solution, Pyun was one of the five principal data scientists at Nvidia. He has over 20 years of expertise in machine learning, according to the company.

“As our new CDO, Pyun will be tasked with the digital transformation of LG Energy Solution’s global battery manufacturing facilities into smart factories,” a company official said.

At Nvidia, Pyun led multiple projects as a lead architect in the field of autonomous vehicles, industrial artificial intelligence, and cloud AI. The new CDO received master’s and doctorate degrees in electric engineering from Stanford University, focusing on machine learning and computer vision.

By Kim Byung-wook (kbw@heraldcorp.com) kbw@heraldcorp.com

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