실시간 뉴스
  • [Student Report] Sharing spirit of Christmas

On Christmas Day, the whole world is in joyful mood. Maybe all the children on the world have waited for this Christmas the whole year, because those who did nice things and good deeds would get presents from Santa Claus!

This year I plan to remember Jesus Christ who is the true meaning of Christmas. So I decided to donate or do good deeds from the money that I use to buy presents for myself.

Do you know the “Angel Tree”? Under the charity program, we donate things that will be used by those people in need. It is not just donating money, we are giving it with our hearts. This year I donated a jogging suit for a child. Of course, I donated with my own money from my New Year‘s pocket money. I think it has a deeper meaning for me this Christmas.

Christmas is a happy and joyous holiday but we should also donate to charities and help the poor. This is how we can remember this Christmas more meaningfully.


By Lee Jun-seok
6th grade, SICA (Seoul International Christian Academy)

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