실시간 뉴스
  • Malala Yousafzai continues to grab int’l attention

The Pakistani Nobel Prize winner Malala Yousafzai continues to gain attention by winning a medal honoring efforts to secure liberty around the world.

The 17-year-old youth activist was recently presented with the 2014 Liberty Medal by the U.S.’ National Constitution Center, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

President and CEO of the center Jeffrey Rosen awarded Yousafzai with the medal that recognizes men and women who strive to fight for liberty of people the world over.

At the ceremony, Yousafzai said that she accepted the award on behalf of all children who were struggling to get an education.

Yousafzai won global attention as one of the young figures championing for the right to education of children, especially girls, when she was shot in 2012 by the Taliban, who did not like her idea very much.

By Ro Ji-woong (jamesro@heraldcorp.com)

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