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  • Mino unveils ‘BODY’ music video


Mino released the music video for his new solo track “BODY” on Wednesday.

He wrote the lyrics for the track and it was jointly composed with Future Bounce.

The music video features Mino in a scandalous relationship with a model as he raps about her figure. He is also seen holding her closely and kissing her in a swimming pool and in a car.

A representative from YG Entertainment revealed that the original version of this music video was too raunchy so it had to be edited. He also hinted at a future release of an unedited director’s cut version.

Meanwhile, Bobby of iKON, who is also under the YG label, rolled out his solo track “HOLUP!” on Tuesday, revealing a powerful and bold side to himself.

Likewise, Mino showed off a new side to himself in his “BODY” music video.

The pair are set to release on Friday two tracks together as a unit named MOBB.

Check out the “Body” music video below:

By Lee Sang-won (sangdoze@heraldcorp.com)
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