실시간 뉴스
  • Grevin Museum opens doors in Seoul

Life-size wax figures of K-pop stars and Hollywood movie stars are on display at Grevin Museum Seoul, which opens Thursday in Seoul. (Grevin Museum)

The first Asian outpost of France’s Musee Grevin opened in Seoul yesterday, foreign media outlets reported.

Musee Grevin is a Paris-based museum that displays over 400 characters arranged in scenes from French history and modern life.

The Korean branch of the museum in Seoul has opened its doors with wax figures of local and foreign celebrities such as Psy, actress Choi Ji-woo, U.S. fashion icon Paris Hilton and the U.K.’s Queen Elizabeth II.

The overseas popularity of Korean stars including Psy and Choi was a major factor in the choice of Seoul for Grevin’s first Asian museum, Agence France-Presse explained.

By Ro Ji-woong (jamesro@heraldcorp.com)
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