실시간 뉴스
  • Brush your teeth properly


We are expected to brush our teeth at least three times a day; morning, night and after every meal.

But how long do we need to brush? Is it two minutes, three minutes or more?

According to a British Dental Journal, time certainly matters. “I tell my patients to turn the faucet off while brushing. Brushing for two minutes is a good barometer, and if we turn off the faucet, it helps us mentally not to rush through the process,” said Dr. Emanuel Layliev, D.D.S., of the New York Center for Cosmetic Dentistry.

Moreover, be gentle with your teeth and never skip flossing. Dr. Layliev adds that it is best to floss first, then brush teeth.

By Um Yoon-sun (uys@heraldcorp.com)

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