2024. 09. 20 (금)

뉴스속보 리스트

보기옵션 새로고침

뉴스속보 상세보기

[팟캐스트] (319) 영양제 맞으러 온 임산분에 '낙태 수술' / 올 가을 즐길 수 있는 째즈뮤직 페스티벌



진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. [Newsmaker] Doctor performs abortion on wrong patient

아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2
팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

[1] A pregnant woman here *lost her child when a doctor *performed an *abortion after medical staff *mixed up her *medical chart with that of another patient.

*lost: 잃다
*perform: 행하다
*abortion: 낙태
*mixed up: 뒤죽박죽하다
*medical chart: 진료 기록

[2] Seoul Gangseo Police Station on Monday said they booked a gynecologist and a nurse for conducting an abortion on a six-week pregnant woman by failing to check the patient’s information before the operation.

*book: 입건
*gynecologist: 부인과 의사

[3] According to investigators, the alleged victim -- a Vietnamese national -- who was six weeks into her pregnancy was prescribed nutritional supplements on Aug. 7. When she entered the delivery room -- where the hospital apparently also gave injections and conducted surgeries -- neither the nurse nor the doctor checked the patient’s identity.

*alleged: 주장된
*A national: A 국적의
*prescribe: 처방하다
*nutritional supplements: 영양 보조제
*injection: 주사

[4] Confusing her for the patient on the charts they were looking at, the nurse injected the patient with anesthesia after which the doctor performed the abortion.

* anesthesia: 마취

[5] The woman returned to the hospital the next day after experiencing bloody discharge and was told that the fetus had been aborted.

* discharge: 배출
* fetus: 태아

기사전문: http://khnews.kheraldm.com/view.php?ud=20190923000677&md=20190926003234_BL 

2. Music festivals coming this fall

아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2
팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638

[1] While rock festivals cooled us down in the summer heat, autumn is the perfect time to appreciate other music genres. Starting this weekend, jazz and pop music festivals are set to take place around the country.

* appreciate: 감사하다
* genre: 장르

[2] Celebrating the beautiful fall weather, these outdoor festivals afford a chance to enjoy colorful foliage from a picnic mat, sipping wine with family and friends.

*foliage: 나뭇잎
*sip: 홀짝이다

[3] Jazz at Seoul Forest

Seoul Forest, located in eastern Seoul, is a park that covers 1.16 million square meters.

On Friday and Saturday, its main plaza will be occupied by jazz lovers, gathered for the third Seoul Forest Jazz Festival.

*occupy: 차지하다

[4] Swiss jazz pianist Christoph Stiefel is to take the stage, followed by other foreign jazz bands.

* take the stage: 무대를 차지하다

[5] The lineup also includes Salon de Osukyung and South Korean musician Jung Jae-hyung, who recently released his *first album in nine years.

* lineup: 라인업
*first A in B years: B년 만에 첫 A 

[6] The festival is open to children and pets. Children under 13 will be admitted for free and attendees with pets can situate themselves in a separate pet-friendly zone.

* admit: 입장
*attendee: 참석자
* situate: 위치하다

[7] A one-day ticket costs 66,000 won ($55.05) and a two-day pass is priced at 99,000 won.

기사전문: http://khnews.kheraldm.com/view.php?ud=20190925000617&ACE_SEARCH=1