2024. 09. 20 (금)

뉴스속보 리스트

보기옵션 새로고침

뉴스속보 상세보기

Matchmaking agency releases its 'standard model' of those who marry



South Korean matchmaking company Duo recently released a report on the men and women who got married through its services, including the average heights, incomes, academic backgrounds and other conditions of its members.

The company analyzed the data of the 1,887 couples who got married between June 2022 and May 2024 after using its services, and compiled what it called "the standard model of men and women who succeeded in marriage." The couples got married on average of 14.8 months after first matching.

At the time of marriage, men on average were 36.9 years old, had an annual income of 70 million won ($50,000) and were 176 centimeters tall. Women were 33.9 years old, had an annual income of 45 million won ($32,000), and were 162.9 centimeters tall.

In the overwhelming majority of the married couples -- 86 percent -- the men were older than the women. Both spouses were the same age in 8.2 percent of the couples, while women were older in 5.8 percent of them.

In 17.6 percent of the couples, the husband was four years older than the wife.

The average ages of marriage for both men and women who used the firm's services were higher than the nationwide average marriage ages released by Statistics Korea this year, which were 34 for men and 31.5 for women.

Most people of both sexes had at least a bachelor's degree, according to Duo's report, and the academic backgrounds of the two couples were equal -- in terms of degree level -- in 58.3 percent of them. In 24 percent, the men had completed more higher education than the women, while 17.7 of the women had a higher level of academic degree.

Among the men, 38.5 percent were office workers and 15.2 percent were employees of the government or state-run companies. The two fields were also the most common among women, with 26.7 percent of them in office jobs and 15 percent working for agencies or companies related to the government.