2024. 09. 17 (화)

뉴스속보 리스트

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Vine Group to hold forum on learning methods in AI era


(Vine Group)

South Korean education service provider Vine Group said Thursday it is jointly hosting an online forum with the Korea Coaching Psychology Association to help support the growth of Korean youths and parents and contribute to the spread of coaching culture.

The online meeting is slated for Monday and will be available for those willing to participate for free.

This year’s forum will be held under the theme “Effective learning methods in the era of ChatGPT.” Participants will learn about the role and importance of coaching in a digital era.

During the online session, students and parents will learn about coaching education, a type of coaching that helps students become better learners by assisting them in solving problems and improving outcomes by listening to lectures by educational professionals.

The coaching forum is held on the last Monday of every month, and anybody can freely sign up to watch the session via the forum’s official website.

Established in 2017, Vine Group’s main business is education counseling and coaching services. The company won the 2023 Educational Brand Grand Prize selected by parents this year.